10 things every Pakistani MIL say to her daughter in law with kids.

When you become a mother, all the mothers in the world specially the one in close proximity like your mother-in-law have things to say. Things that are hurtful and outright silly. Most do not hold back. So f you are about to give birth to your child then pay attention and get ready. If you’ve already given birth to one or few then let us know what else was said to you.

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Thank you for the music

All kids love music. Give them two sticks and they start banging on the wall or the floor, give them two plates and hear the clanking sound for hours. Play an instrument for them and see the sparkle in their eyes. It’s natural for kids to be excited by different sounds and if it’s in the form of a melody then they are hooked. Encourage that by playing songs of all genre, you might have to play one that your child ends up loving the most, on repeat but hey what you get in the end is a happier, chirpier musical child.

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Things new parents in Pakistan wish people would bring as gifts

Most new parents have everything they think they need, way before the baby pops, it’s just what new parents do. Pre- plan for every possible scenario. So what do you bring to them. Love and the following things..

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Things new moms do not want to hear

First there was one and now there are two. The switch from a hormonal pregnant woman to a new mom is quite sudden. It’s nothing you’ve ever experienced before, slightly daunting, somewhat thrilling and a whole lotta frightening. For someone who goes through these varied emotions, any input be it from their friends, relatives or even strangers, specially the ones that make them feel inadequate are considered totally unwarranted. Here are few the new moms absolutely detest.

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Ma, bacha aur Potty.

People talk about sleepless nights, the barfs, they warn you about the boob rejection, sleeping disorder but NO ONE talks about the poop. You only realize its significance after seeing a tar like poop that comes out of your baby. You freak out, call your doctor, and search online. Double check with your ma, your grandma, motherinlaw, chacchi, phoopi, khala, maama etc etc and then you post a query on one of many post pregnancy facebook forums you follow.

Continue reading “Ma, bacha aur Potty.”

Homemade Playdough

Playdough is fun. Lots of fun. Kids love it. So much so that they try and eat it too. And that’s something we wouldn’t want our kids to do? There are some non-toxic play doughs available in other countries but not everyone can get their hands on those here.  So parents like us either keep an eye on their kids or deprive them from the joy of playing with playdough.  I found a recipe that’s totally safe and is super easy to make. (note to all. this is safe but in no way should be encouraged to put in the mouth, it has 1/2 CUP OF SALT) so yeah still be careful. You need:

Flour 1 Cup, Cream of Tartar 1 Tablespoon, Warm Water 1 Cup, Salt ½ Cup, Few drops of your favorite food color/s and 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Mix all of the ingredients together in a pan and stir over low heat. The mixture will begin to thicken. Keep mixing till it’s lumpy but not sticky. Allow the dough to cool and start kneading till it becomes lump free and smooth. Dribble in few drops of food color and knead some more. Your dough is done.

You can store it in an airtight container for as long as 6 months and if you somehow manage to keep it for that long, don’t forget to drop us a message. For we all know its lifespan is usually less than a week.

Happy kneading 🙂